The Cruising Multihull . Chris White
ISBN: 9780070698680 | 0 pages | 2 Mb
The Cruising Multihull Chris White
Publisher: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press
Multihull Cruising Fundamentals: The Official American Sailing Association Guide to Cruising Multihulls: Rick White, The American Sailing Association: 9780070016330 Description. You might get away with it a time or two. As usual, I'm looking for ways to fine tune life. Flying the hull of a cruising catamaran is akin to taking the cloverleaf in your minivan so fast that the two inside wheels lift off the pavement. At Boatshows, through emails to this website, we are have often been asked if we'd consider a Cat for offshore cruising. The Whitehaven model has high respect among cruising sailors as a very good performing offshore boat. If you're really good maybe a few more. Any answer we I have heard converted multihull sailors claim they would never go back. Building a boat is on the "possibility" list. �Marvin the Martian” is a 50′ eco-sustainable fiberglass cruising catamaran. Professionally built and well equipped with a top quality. Cat·a·ma·ran/ˌkatəməˈran: A Catamaran is a multi-hulled yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel, joined by a structure, with origins stemming back to fishing communities in the Polynesian islands. The need of becoming “green” has become a pressing matter in boating during recent years. I've considered Brent (our member's) boats.